Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Typical Day of My Life

It's a typical day of my life. It's a warm sunny day. I can feel the warmness of sunlight on my skin, the gentle breeze in my hair and the wet grass I am lying on.

It's a typical day of my life. Here I am, sitting at my desk, in my office, room 327A, in physics building, a simple building in McGill university with a couple of ten thousands students, a university in the city of Montreal, a city in the east of Canada with a population over three millions. Canada is the second largest country on the Earth, which is the third planet in our gigantic solar system in the third arm of a galaxy called Milky Way. Our solar system is larger than ten billion kilometers in diameter.
There are something like ten billion stars like our Sun in our galaxy.
Our galaxy is a galaxy out of the ten billion galaxies inside our visible horizons in the sky.
A horizon that is larger than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilometers! This is as far as you can possibly see!
What's sitting behind our horizon?
I am quite sure, a lot!

Here I am, writting here. It's almost noon. A sunny Saturday. 16th of August, 2008 years after the birth of Jesus! Something like thirty times bigger than the average life of a human being these days. I barely know anything about what was going on ten thousands or hundred thousand years ago. I have heard that human being has been living on this planet for a couple of million years. I am not much aware of what people before me did or what people after me will do. I have been told that the life appeared on this planet a billion years ago. When I was younger I read in books that the Earth was born 4.5 billion years ago. And now that I have grown up, I have heard people saying that the universe is 14.7 billions years old.

Here I am, sitting on my chair, thinking about quantum gravity, when there was no when and where there was no where! When and where, space and time weren't there. We call it quantum gravity.

Yes! It's a typical day of my life!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful poetry. I'd love to read more from you.

saeed said...

so... diffinitely you live in "far far away" or what?! ;)
rasti ... check this: